Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day 1

There's not much of that "shoot for the moon" stuff that works for me. I don't know if it's because I'm overly cynical or just a realist that likes to hear things as they are, but most things labeled inspirational do nothing for me. I found recently, though, something that does work for me. And I kind of lost that for awhile. But I got it back, and I'm moving forward with that new mentality: Today is Day 1.

Sometimes you have to remove yourself from the road you've been on, forget about your responsibilities and obligations for a moment and think of your life in a perspective free of the weights you pick up along the way. Even when practicality says otherwise, you have to look at every day as a choice. Even if you make the same choice you've made every day for years, there is empowerment in choosing again, and not just going along like you have been for that reason alone. Yesterday was hard. The week before that was even harder. But today... today is day 1. And today, I will be better.

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