Thursday, May 14, 2009

"So, do you like Santa Barbara?"

I've probably been asked that about a dozen times in the last couple weeks. Honestly I don't have a good answer, so I say something honest like "It's pretty here." It's not that I DON"T like Santa Barbara... I'm pretty sure I do like it, actually... it's just been such a huge adjustment to married life and coast guard life and moving away from home life that it's hard to separate out what the state of California is responsible for and what's just life. So I'm withholding judgement for the time being.

I love my apartment. I love that I get to see Landon more than once every couple months. I love being close to the water. It's only been ghastly hot one day out of the weeks I've been here (and the city was kind of on fire at the time, so even that might be excused), so weather is nice. Downtown shops and little restaurants we've discovered like Jack's Bistro and a yummy thai place are nice. And we have a pretty awesome coast guard couple as friends.

Maybe I just don't have anything to compare it to, or maybe everything is just all so new that I can't get a clear picture on it. In any case, I don't know if I like Santa Barbara yet.

But it sure is pretty.

1 comment:

Annie. said...

Good luck with the adjustments. That IS a lot of change to take in all at the same time! At least you are doing it in a pretty place, rather than somewhere like North Dakota. :)