Thursday, August 23, 2007

Initial exploration (Welcome)

I'm not sure where to begin exactly. The difficulty starting out is rooted in its very reason for being- I need an outlet. Chances are if you're reading this (which you obviously are) you know a bit about what's going on in my life, at least to a certain extent. I've spent so much time over the past year or two ruled by my decision to pursue music and all the pretty ties that come with it that it's been hard to find breathing room, a place where I could offer a window into my world without fear of repercussion. A place that's truly mine, where I can write what I want to write. I've felt so heavy lately, living surrounded, where everything I do and write has to be done with a big pro-career smile on my face.

I have to watch everything I do, and say, and write, to make sure it moves my career forward, shining every musical detail in a magically positive light. And I'm tired of it. That's not real.

So here it is, everybody. A space free from obligation, name-dropping, diplomacy, and all other forms of painting things the way other people want them painted. I will complain, I don't seek pity. I will celebrate, I don't seek congratulations. Your pity, congratulations, and anything else that is yours is yours to give, and I expect nothing. If you think I really have problems, give me a call, we'll talk through it.

The kaleidoscope is fair warning that this is the world according to my view, right or wrong and for better or worse. Welcome. Enjoy your stay.


Tammy said...

Court, Im glad you have this blog now, it will help me keep up with what is going on with you since you know Im not really the best at calling. Im excited for your updates! Love you and wish you'd come play with us more often ;)

Jessica said...

Hey Courtney-- I like this new blog. I agree with Tammy, it's a great way to keep track of what you're doing, becuase I'm not that good at calling either, and I also think you should come up to Provo more often. Can we have another Borders show?? Please!! Love you! Have an AMAZING day!

Courtney said...

Well thanks! Yeah, I'm really exciting about this "blogging" idea... (even though I'm waaay behind the times on that one). It's good to know it's being read by someone, too. I'll see what I can do about getting a show in Provo this fall- I'll be sure to keep everyone updated.

Unknown said...

thanks for sending this to me courtney! it's nice to know what's going on with you, because it's easier to understand your situation. it's nice to know what's reality and what isn't. thanks again, and keep me updated !!!