Monday, October 19, 2009

Thomas at Target

Landon and I were making one of our frequent visits to Target when we found ourselves cutting through the kids toy aisle. For some reason, when I walked through my motion set off a Thomas the Tank Engine toy who proceeded to speak to me. It surprised me and I didn't appreciate it, so I jokingly informed Landon that "we were not talking to Thomas". It was at this moment that a stranger came into the kids toy aisle from the other direction, and gave me a very odd look. After a few moments of confused silence, he said "Oh, my name's Thomas". At which time I felt my cheeks turn red as I embraced the humor in what had happened, the horror at how unintentionally rude I had been to a stranger, and the surprise that this had happened in the first place, all at the same time. "Oh, my name's Thomas".

Stupid tank engine.

1 comment:

David and Jessica Clyde said...

That is a great story!! I love it!! And congrats on your song in Law and Order! That is so amazing! You rock my socks. (Wow, I haven't said that in a long time!) Have a great day!!