Friday, July 24, 2009

dreaming (a "motivation" follow-up)

Ok, so after sitting with my last entry for almost a day, I realize it comes off a little odd. This is an attempt to paint a little more context around my randomness.

Those of you who know me (which should be all of you, if you're reading this) either know already or won't be shocked to find out that I have chronic insomnia. To help with this, I take melatonin supplements (which is what you're brain is supposed to produce naturally anyway, mine just needs a little help). And it generally works wonderfully. My family can attest to my much improved mood over the last year or two compared to the previous.... well, that's not important.

Anyway, one of the side effects of this stuff (besides "drowsiness"- duh) is vivid dreams. So two nights ago, already having running on my mind, I have a running dream and a trainer from a show I was watching. Makes sense. It comes from somewhere. When I wake up that dream world melts away but I'm usually left with the feelings from it for a little bit. Last night I dreamed something about being in or directing a choir, with one of my favorite pieces from my junior year of high school that apparently my sub-conscious remembers exceptionally well. And I wake up missing choir. I hadn't even really thought about it like that in a while, but I miss singing in a big group, in foreign languages, a capella, with all those moving vocal lines and watching the director and all that. Turns out I really do miss it. And unless church choir really steps it up here I don't see another opportunity I'll have to be part of something like that.

Dreams are funny things. They fascinate me. Maybe it's a form of gratitude since I went so long without them.

1 comment:

Annie. said...

I SO miss choir too. Big time.