Tuesday, October 23, 2007

game on

So this is part two of however many of the power of perception blog. My basic thought here was two related matters, put into slightly different approaches. Or something. First, who really gets to decide who we are and how we come across? Does a jerk know they're a jerk? Does a flake know they're a flake? When does who we are fly out of our control and into a social vote? Second, how we act and what we say is a reflection on ourselves. We know our own justifications, we know our excuses, but a stranger overhearing you doesn't know anything about you except for the one statement they hear. If you tell a joke, they'll probably think you're a funny person. If you said something funny, it probably wouldn't be a stretch to say you probably are somewhat of a funny person. If the stranger hears you say something catty and rude, you are probably somewhat catty and rude, because you said a catty and rude thing.

I think there's something to be said for gut reactions, initial impressions, etc. And unbiased look. It shouldn't by any means total who you are as a person (& there will always be context to consider), but there's no escaping that it does matter, again, probably more than we would like.

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