Saturday, July 2, 2011

In the New

A lot of new. New patrol. New dog. New job. Trying to take deep breaths and not get overwhelmed.

Oh, new floors too. Well, very very old floors, but newly redone. That's one of those things Landon and I ran out of time with so it's up to me to put the last coat of finish on and be... finished.

Also, I'll need new towels. The two doggies are playing with one and I'm too tired to go reclaim it. Plus, they're happy and not making much noise or destroying anything valued over $4, so I'll let this one go.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Guy Speak

Actual conversation between my husband and I:

L- What do you think of my new shoes?

me- I like them! I think they're.... I want to say "cute", but I know that's not right. What's guy speak for "cute"?

L- The dog nasty.

me- "The dog nasty" is the guy equivalent of "cute"?

L- Yep.

me- Those shoes are the dog nasty, love.

L- Thanks!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Love you, Mom.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ibloggity crises

I just updated my "music" blog, which I'm trying not to be ALL about music ALL the time, because I'm working on being more personal with friends, fans, and potential friends and/or fans. I have issues. Anyway, I thought the post I just.... posted..... would work for both so I'm just going to link right on over there...

I'm aiming for a balance of both specific and vague, because I don't know who reads it and if one of the three people a day that checks my blog is a super weird stalker type, I don't want them to know enough to find me in person or steal my identity. Or steal me in person. That would be bad.

But since I assume I know all of YOU (hi friends!) I feel like it's ok to let you know that the reason I bounce around is because my hubby is on the ocean for months at a time and my parents and in-laws and other good friends are within driving distance. But I'm at home now, trying to make it look like I kept the place clean the whole time Landon was gone because he comes home in 2 DAYS! Yay! That's another one down, hopefully the next one is shorter because 75 days is a long time away. I miss him. But I'm happy he's back this week. And then...

Our anniversary? Two years? That can't be right.... Wait, yes it is. Somehow. Weird. Time flies. More later.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Better late than never?

I have been a loser blogger lately, and I apologize. Life is hectic with a new house, a new puppy, a husband out on the ocean months at a time and a music career. Whew! Just putting all that out there makes me feel better.

I promise I will be better. I'm starting up a separate blog for my music so hopefully writing for that will remind me to write for this one as well. Ever on the road to self-improvement. On I go.

Here's the link to my music blog: