Thursday, February 24, 2011

Better late than never?

I have been a loser blogger lately, and I apologize. Life is hectic with a new house, a new puppy, a husband out on the ocean months at a time and a music career. Whew! Just putting all that out there makes me feel better.

I promise I will be better. I'm starting up a separate blog for my music so hopefully writing for that will remind me to write for this one as well. Ever on the road to self-improvement. On I go.

Here's the link to my music blog:

1 comment:

jrkaman said...

It's not the quantity of the posts but the quality of the posts that count! You make me tired just reading all of the things that you do...and I have a 9 1/2 month old so I KNOW what tired is Glad you are keeping busy!